Title: Pericarditis is the most frequent post-COVID-19 complication and colchicine is a drug of choice
Title: Cardiometry: a new fundamental scientific field in cardiology
Title: The importance of evaluation of growth and development in children in chronic diseases
Title: Role of regenerative therapy in heart failure, acute MI & peripheral vascular disease
Title: ONE HEART, ONE MIND, ONE PLANET: Behavioral Cardiology - The Elephant in Your Living Room
Title: Current applications of robotic surgery in management of cardiac diseases
Title: Case of tachycardia induced cardiomyopathy during pregnancy: clinical presentation and management
Title: A Case of Delayed Contrast Anaphylaxis Leading to ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI)
Title: Bridge to Clip- Adjunctive Management of Acute Severe MR in the setting of Cardiogenic Shock
Title: Heart mate 3 left ventricular assist device superiority demonstrated in momentum 3 trial
Title: Characterizing the Cardiovascular Adaptations of Space Travel: A Systematic Review
Title: Updates in the management of dyslipidemia for primary & secondary prevention
Title: A Parent’s Perspective: Incompatible with Nature–A Parent’s Memoir of congenital Heart Disease
Title: Preferential Binding Of Oxidized Fat By Polyglucosamine L112
Title: Powering Biopharma research with Data and Genomics – the time is now
Title: Interesting case study on peripheral vascular disorders
Title: Role of regenerative therapy in heart failure, acute MI & peripheral vascular disease
Title: Benefits of guidelines directed physical therapy in management of cardiovascular disease
Title: Application Of Cardiac Vector Hypotheses In Novel ECG Interpretation Method
Title: Coronary artery disease risk evaluation among youngsters of different communities of north india
Title: Nursing care guidelines to prevent complication after cardiac and thoracic surgery
Title: Stress management tips for healthcare professionals to control cardiovascular disease risk
Title: Identification & impact of hereditory risk factors for cardiovascular diseases
Title: Emerging role of stem cell therapy in management of Covid 19 complications
Title: Drug Repositioning For Myocardial Infarction: Computational And Pharmacological Approach
Title: An Innovative Hub-&-Spoke Model for management of ACS in developing countries
Title: Integrated approach for management of complicated cardiovascular & thoracic cases
Title: Assessment of cardiorespiratory fitness of individuals after stroke
Title: Heart rate variability in patients with atrial fibrillation depending on previous COVID-19 infection
Title: Choosing a suitable animal model for causing myocardial infarction
Title: Circadian rhythm of Blood Pressure and its related factors in patients with Hypertension