Title: The Importance of Nutrition of Children with Congenital Heart Disease (CHD)
Title: Vascular (Arterial and Venous) surgery for erectile dysfunction
Title: Predictors of renal artery stenosis in patients referred for coronary angiography
Title: Immune-check point inhibitors: Acute cardiooncology challenges and concerns
Title: The effect of COVID-19 infection on cardiac function in patients with pre-existing heart failure
Title: : Chagas cardiomyopathy - what every cardiologist needs to know
Title: Assessment of diastolic function in children: The dilemma and potential solution
Title: Insulin resistance and cardiovascular disease: A future perspective
Title: Movable-weaning off an electrocardiographic phenomenon in hypocalcemia
Title: Optimizing right ventricular function before LVAD implantation
Title: Enhanced external counterpulsation treatment in patients with refractory angina pectoris
Title: The importance of gender and race in chest pain: A case presentation
Title: Viable myocardium: Clinical sufficiency and prognostic implication
Title: Conotruncal defects: congenital heart disease with the highest mortality rate in the neonatal period