Cardiopulmonary rehabilitation: Cardiac rehabilitation defined as exercise training, education and emotional support about lifestyle changes to decrease heart disease risk, like healthy eating and healthy dieting, maintaining a healthy weight and quitting smoking.
The Four Phases of Cardiac Rehabilitation;
Cardiopulmonary Disease prevention: Cardiopulmonary Disease prevention defines as the prevention of lungs and heart diseases. Some of the following controllable risk factors for heart disease:
Title : Evaluation and prediction of cardiovascular risk prognosis in type II diabetic patients by evaluating glycosylated hemoglobin and cardiac troponin
Agustin Joison, Cordoba Catholic University, Argentina
Title : Yasser's stressor test (fear and calm test) and triphasic yasser's stressor syndrome (Fear, Calm, and Fear syndrome) - A new cardiovascular discoveries and psychogenic stress test with possible coronary artery spasm-Case series
Yasser Mohammed Hassanain Elsayed, Egyptian Ministry of Health, Egypt
Title : One-year outcomes of anterior-posterior vs. anterior-lateral method of cardioversion for atrial fibrillation: A tertiary center experience
Fatima Sajid, King Edward Medical University, Pakistan