Incorporating nanotechnology into the field of cardiovascular medicine is paving the way for new treatments that were once unimaginable. Nanotechnology and cardiovascular medicine are being combined to develop more precise drug delivery systems, allowing medication to be delivered directly to the heart, reducing systemic side effects and improving therapeutic outcomes. This breakthrough is also enhancing diagnostic tools, enabling earlier detection of cardiovascular diseases. The potential for nanomaterials to repair or regenerate damaged tissues and blood vessels provides a hopeful outlook for patients suffering from severe cardiovascular diseases. As this field continues to evolve, the integration of nanotechnology promises to redefine the future of heart disease management.
Title : Revolutionizing CKD care: How finerenone transforms outcomes in heart and kidney health - Insights from fidelio-DKD
Robert J Chilton, University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio, United States
Title : Novel important cellular responses, signaling mechanisms and therapeutic options for pulmonary hypertension and right heart failure
Yong Xiao Wang, Albany Medical Center, United States
Title : Preventing sports-related cardiac arrest: Coronary artery calcium scoring stratifies the benefit of low-dose aspirin use for risk reduction
Arthur J Siegel, Massachusetts General Hospital, United States
Title : TED2HOME - A low cost automatic external defibrillator for home/office
Abraham Teddy Weiss, Hadassah University Hospital, Israel
Title : Subclinical atherosclerosis: Association with additional risk factors and somatic diseases
Mekhman N Mamedov, National Research Center for Preventive Medicine, Russian Federation
Title : Novel ways of cardiovascular risk assessment
Syed Raza, Awali Hospital, Bahrain