Cardio-Oncology: Cardio-oncology is a study of cardiology that involves on the monitoring, detection and treatment of cardiovascular disease resulting as a side effect of chemotherapy and radiology. A number of cardiologists treat and manage patients with heart disease and cancer.
Nuclear Cardiology: Nuclear Cardiology studies use autoimmune techniques to evaluate myocardial blood flow, the pumping function of the heart as well as envision the size and location of a heart attack. Among all the techniques of nuclear cardiology, myocardial perfusion imaging is the mostly used.
Types of Nuclear Cardiology Tests:
Title : Revolutionizing CKD care: How finerenone transforms outcomes in heart and kidney health - Insights from fidelio-DKD
Robert J Chilton, University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio, United States
Title : Novel important cellular responses, signaling mechanisms and therapeutic options for pulmonary hypertension and right heart failure
Yong Xiao Wang, Albany Medical Center, United States
Title : TED2HOME - A low cost automatic external defibrillator for home/office
Abraham Teddy Weiss, Hadassah University Hospital, Israel
Title : Novel ways of cardiovascular risk assessment
Syed Raza, Awali Hospital, Bahrain
Title : Ex-situ organ perfusion and cardiac performance improvement
Y J H J Taverne, Erasmus University Medical Center, Netherlands
Title : The role of normal-range troponin trends in predicting cardiac function decline: Reducing echo dependency in the ED
Omar Sami Abdelhai, Henry Ford Health, United States