Title : Yasser's stressor test (fear and calm test) and triphasic yasser's stressor syndrome (Fear, Calm, and Fear syndrome) - A new cardiovascular discoveries and psychogenic stress test with possible coronary artery spasm-Case series
Aim of the study: The study is aimed to clear the cycle effect of fear or anxiety and calm or reassurance on electrocardiographic ST-segment depression in patients present with angina with possible coronary artery spasms.
Background: Anxiety and fear have undoubted hazardous effects on cardiovascular disorders. The effect on the coronary artery may be the most significant. The coronary artery spasm is an established cardiovascular disorder that can affect the ST segment with either depression elevation or both. It can end with vascular occlusion or near-occlusion and possibly coronary heart disease and sudden death.
Method of study and patients: My case study was an observational-retrospective 50 case report series. The study was conducted in Kafr El-Bateekh Central Hospital and physician outpatient clinic. The author reported 50 cases of resting acute angina with reversal and cyclic electrocardiographic ST-segment depression over about 44 months, starting on December 09, 2019, and ending on July 18, 2023.
Results: The mean age in the current study is; 50.7 in the range; of 18-82 years, with a female sex predominance (52%). Housewives (34%) and farmers (26%) are the most affected occupations. The main complaint is angina (84%) followed by angina with palpitations (10%). The most common associated risk factors in the study are combined risk factors (56%) followed by single risk factors (44%). The Mean of elapsed time between stage I and II/sec (only group I) is 66.65 in a range; of 17-250 years. The response was complete (only group I; 40%), Partial (only group I; 12%), and Absent (only group II; 48%).
Conclusions: Yasser's Stressor test is a new cardiovascular discovery and psychogenic stress test targeting the ST-segment passing two stages in the form of fear and calm (Fear-Calm Stressor test). Triphasic Yasser's syndrome is a sequel and constellation of the vicious cycle of Yasser's Stressor test passing three stages in the form of fear, calm, and fear (Fear-Calm-Fear Yasser's syndrome). Coronary artery spasm is a possible pathogenesis for interpretation. Both Yasser's Stressor test and its subsequent Triphasic Yasser's syndrome are easy, simple, cheap, and safe non-invasive exercise tests.