Yannick Taverne currently work as a pediatric and adult congenital cardiothoracic surgeon and cardiac morphologist at the department of Cardiothoracic Surgery at the Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. As a clinical epidemiologist and associate professor, he is leading the Translational Cardiothoracic Surgery Research Lab and is the cofounder of the Medical Delta Knowledge Institute for Bioelectric Medicine. His surgical focus encompasses minimally invasive (pediatric) procedures, cardiac transplantation including ex-situ heart perfusion, and Ross surgery. He designed and am managing the Ross and pediatric minimal invasive program in Rotterdam. His research focusses on excitation-contraction coupling with strong interest in congenital heart disease (CHD) and heart failure. Current projects include RV form and function in (CHD), ex-situ heart perfusion and living myocardial slices in a biomimetic culture system.