Dr Jian Guan completed the medical degree in China 1982, and gained PhD in Paediatrics from University Auckland, New Zealand in 1996. Jian is neuroscientist with research interests in brain development, aging and functions by evaluating neuroplasticity, vascular remodelling and the interactions of neurons, glial phenotypes and capillaries. Her research specialty includes neurobiology and neuro-pharmacology of IGF-1 and its related peptides, animal modelling, behavioural evaluations, biological and pathological assessments. The discovery of the mechanism of IGF-1 metabolites leads to the investigation of novel biomarker for IGF-1 function. She holds a permanent research position in the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, the School of Medical Science, FMHS, the University of Auckland.
Title : A novel biomarker for cardiovascular conditions